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Chocolate bliss ice cream: Home-made edition

You’ve just had a day at the bustling heart of Nairobi, while navigating the vibrant chaos in your matatu, weaving through the city streets. But amidst the hustle and bustle, something catches your eye – an ice cream vendor on the side of the road, promising sweet relief from the heat.

You can almost taste the creamy, chocolatey goodness, but alas, the matatu you’re on shows no signs of slowing down, dashing your ice cream dreams.

Don’t despair; we have a solution once you settle down to your homy sanctuary- Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream with a special touch of Prestige Margarine. This lush ice cream recipe is the perfect way to unwind and satisfy your sweet tooth. So, grab your apron and let’s get started, will we?


2 cups heavy dairy cream

1 cup whole milk

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

3.5 oz dark chocolate, chopped

1/4 cup Prestige Margarine

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

A pinch of salt

1/2 cup chocolate chips (optional for extra chocolatey goodness)



Step 1: Chocolate Bliss

In a medium saucepan, melt the Prestige Margarine over low heat. Once it’s fully melted, add the chopped dark chocolate. Stir continuously until the chocolate and margarine are completely combined and silky smooth. This rich and velvety mixture will be the star of your ice cream.

Step 2: Mixing Magic

In a separate bowl, whisk together the cocoa powder, granulated sugar, and a pinch of salt. This ensures that your ice cream base is perfectly sweet and chocolatey.

Step 3: Creamy Dreamy Base

Combine the cocoa and sugar mixture with the melted chocolate and Prestige Margarine. Stir until they create a luscious, glossy paste. Now, add in the whole milk and vanilla extract, mixing until everything is well incorporated.

Step 4: Chilling Vibes

Pour in the heavy cream and give the mixture one final loving stir. Cover the bowl and let it chill in the fridge for at least 3 hours, or preferably overnight. This step allows the flavors to meld and results in an incredibly smooth ice cream.

Step 5: Churn it Up

Once your mixture is chilled and ready,You can churn it by placing the mixture in a lidded container in the freezer, stirring every 30 minutes until it reaches your desired consistency.

Step 6: Chocolate Chip Bonus (Optional)

If you’re feeling extra indulgent, fold in the chocolate chips as the ice cream begins to thicken. This step guarantees delightful chocolate surprises with every scoop.

Step 7: Freeze and Savor

Transfer your freshly churned (or no-churn) ice cream into an airtight container and let it freeze for a few hours to firm up. Once it’s ready, scoop out a generous portion and enjoy the creamy, chocolatey goodness that only Prestige Margarine can offer.


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