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Rinsing away my doubts

Ah, my journey from the lush green fields of Bungoma to the bustling streets of Nairobi was nothing short of a memorable tale. 

You see, I’m Johnie, a university student from a humble background with dreams as big as Kilimanjaro. It all started when I received a scholarship to the prestigious United States International University – Africa (USIU) in Nairobi. The excitement was palpable, but little did I know what awaited me in the city of dreams.

My family, bless their hearts, saw me off with tears in their eyes as I hopped onto that rickety old mini-bus. Mama handed me a sack of roasted maize, and Baba wished me good luck in his deep, booming voice and said it was time for me to make my mark as a man. Talk about not having pressure. And off I went, leaving behind the tranquility of the countryside for the unknown.

When I arrived in Nairobi, I was greeted by a world I’d only seen in TV shows. Clean paved streets, city lights that glittered like stars, and towering billboards advertising things I couldn’t even pronounce. Everyone seemed to be on a serious time crunch, not to mention the Matatus. The contrast to Bungoma was stark, to say the least.

Days went by and it was time to report to class. Typical first day. Now, the real shocker came when I settled into my university dorm. My fellow students, most of them from affluent backgrounds, lived lives that seemed straight out of a Hollywood movie.

Some were driving their cars on campus, for heaven’s sake! And here I was, a village boy, trying to figure out which matatu (public minibus) would take me to class without getting lost.

See USIU, was a multi-cultural institution where you would meet foreigners and kids that were from prominent families. Next day you would be brushing with a Cabinet secretary’s child the next you are in group discussion with Japan to Kenya Ambassador’s daughter.

Fortunately, I made friends quick. One who we became close was Mike. Although he barely understood his American slang. Mike was always happy to show me everything. He was humble but his background was from that.

One day, I decided to visit Mike. As I entered his apartment, Yes apartment,  my jaw nearly hit the floor. Plush furniture, a flat-screen TV that looked as big as a billboard, and a kitchen with appliances that seemed alien to me.

What is an air fryer? How is it a thing. But the biggest shocker? Mike was doing his laundry with a washing machine.

A washing machine! I could hardly believe my eyes. These are things we heard of from the village and thought they can never be in Kenya. But alas I was wrong!

I felt like an alien in my own university, surrounded by students who seemed to breathe luxury. But I wasn’t going to be intimidated that easily. I was Johnie from Bungoma, and I was here to learn, no matter what.

As I sat down to do my laundry, a thoughtful expression came to me as I gazed at the small pile of clothes before me. It had been quite the journey, from the village of Bungoma to the bustling streets of Nairobi. The culture shocks were aplenty, but I was learning to adapt, one step at a time. And one thing that helped me along the way was my trusty friend, Classic Detergent Powder.

Classic Detergent Powder, the ultimate solution for stain removal, had become a constant, with its six multi-enzymes that fought powerful stains, The best part was that it was economically priced, making it affordable for a student like me, while still offering top-notch quality. And the fact that it was gentle on my hands and lathered easily made it all the more valuable.

As I scrubbed my clothes, I couldn’t help but smile. I might not have the luxurious apartment or the fancy gadgets my classmates had, but I had something just as precious – the determination to make the most of this opportunity. I might not be as well-equipped as they were, but as long as I looked clean and presentable, I was going to continue working hard to achieve my dreams.

So, there I was, a village boy in the big city, handwashing my clothes with a smile, knowing that as long as I had the essentials, like Classic Detergent Powder, I was on the right path to success. And with that thought in my heart, I continued to scrub away, determined to make my mark in this new world.

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