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How I sneezed my way into workplace Stardom

I had been preparing for weeks, ironing my fanciest outfit and rehearsing answers to those oh-so-serious interview questions

The day started like any other, but I was armed with extra doses of allergy medication just in case. The sun was beaming down on the stunning Nairobi skyline as I strutted into the swanky office building. The reception area was fancier than any hotel I’d ever seen, complete with marble floors and softleaf serviettes neatly arranged on a silver tray. Little did I know those serviettes would soon become my lifeline. I just always grab some to supplement my pocket tissues I have with me on the go.

I was ushered into a lavish conference room, where the interview panel looked like they’d just stepped off the cover of a Forbes magazine. But the real star of the show was the company’s prized possession—a rare, majestic Chow Chow dog. This breed is about as common as a unicorn in the dog world, and my heart skipped a beat.

Despite my allergies, my love for dogs won the internal battle, and I couldn’t resist asking, “May I pet your exquisite furry friend?”

With a nod of approval, I approached the Chow Chow. It was a magnificent creature, all fluffy and regal. As I reached out to give it a gentle pat, the sneeze of the century suddenly crept upon me. In a desperate attempt to be polite, I tried to suppress it, but no luck. ACHOO! See Chow Chows shed all year long- and they never stop!

That’s when things went from dignified to downright hilarious. As I sneezed into one of those softleaf serviettes, I thought I had gracefully dodged disaster. Oh, how wrong I was!

Little did I know that the fancy Chow Chow had been snoozing in the sun, shedding its luxurious fur all over the place. That sneeze unleashed a storm of fur particles, and one little troublemaker decided to take refuge on my face—right on the tip of my nose.

My eyes watered, my nose itched, and my dignity was in tatters. I could feel something amiss but had no idea what it was. My nose was still buried in the serviette, trying to contain the chaos, while the interview panel exchanged puzzled glances.

Finally, a brave soul leaned in and whispered, “Excuse me, but you have a… uh… a little something on your nose.”

I panicked, my mind racing through all the things it could be. Had I forgotten to wipe off my breakfast? Did I have spinach stuck in my teeth? But then, I looked down at the serviette in my hand, and it hit me like a ton of dog fur.

I had missed it—an unmistakable booger right on my nose, courtesy of the Chow Chow’s fuzzy allure. There I stood, in front of the crème de la crème of multinational executives, with a booger on my face and a serviette in hand.

The room erupted in laughter, and from that day forward, I was known as “Bobbie Booger.” The interview went well and I managed to woo them despite my unscripted icebreaker. In hindsight that dog was worth his weight in gold.

My colleagues may never drop my new nickname but Chow Chow the dog and I are still friends- from a distance. But thankfully Softleaf serviettes on the counter proved to be a new companion I always grab on my way in.

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